Optimizing Your Success: A Peak Into Our Methods

Industry standard methodologies

Trained, tested and adapted

Trusted By The World's Successful Companies

Our Process: Agile

Agile methodology is a dynamic set of principles designed for the effective development of software. This approach places a paramount emphasis on customer satisfaction by fostering continuous improvement and iterative progress throughout the development lifecycle.In essence, Agile thrives in environments characterized by the anticipation of evolving and changing product requirements. By adhering to its principles, Agile becomes not just a methodology but a standard practice seamlessly integrated into the fabric of our projects. This ensures that our teams are not only responsive to changing customer needs but also equipped to adapt swiftly to the dynamic nature of the software development landscape.
Best Practices
Continuous integration and deployment
Employ CI/CD pipelines for rapid and reliable releases.
Feedback loops
Establish regular feedback loops with stakeholders and users.
Automated testing
Implement automated testing when possible for faster, more reliable test execution.
Test-driven development
Adopt test-driven development for robust and error-free code.
Code modularity
Ensure the codebase remains modular and maintainable.
Code refactoring
Regularly refactor code to improve its structure and readability.

Our Process: DevOps

DevOps represents a transformative "infinite-loop" methodology that seamlessly integrates software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to foster heightened collaboration and elevate overall productivity. This methodology serves as a linchpin in projects where the emphasis lies on achieving rapid and continuous delivery of software.At its core, DevOps breaks down traditional silos between development and operations teams, creating a unified and iterative approach to the entire software development lifecycle. By fostering a culture of collaboration and communication, DevOps strives to eliminate bottlenecks, streamline processes, and enhance the efficiency of the development and deployment pipeline.
Best Practices
Infrastructure as code (IaC)
Manage and provision infrastructure using code, enabling automation, version control, and consistency in deployment and management processes.
Monitoring and logging
Implement monitoring and logging to track system performance and issues.
Automated testing
Automate the deployment pipeline to facilitate rapid releases.

Our Process: RAD

Rapid Application Development (RAD) stands out as a methodology designed to expedite software development by leveraging iterative prototypes and continuous user feedback. This approach proves to be an excellent choice for projects characterized by either undefined or rapidly changing requirements.The essence of RAD lies in its ability to swiftly adapt to evolving project dynamics. By employing a series of iterative cycles, RAD enables the development team to create prototype versions of the software, which are then presented to end-users for immediate feedback. This iterative feedback loop ensures that the development aligns closely with user expectations, providing a level of responsiveness that is particularly beneficial in environments where requirements may be fluid or subject to frequent adjustments.
Best Practices
Modular design
Adopt a modular design approach for easy changes and adaptations.
Flexible planning
Makes it easier to pivot, and adapt to changing requirements.
User-centric development
Adjust development based on user research and insights.
Automated testing and integration
Implement automated testing and continuous integration for quality assurance.

Our Process Life Cycle

Step 1

Requirements submission

Share your project specifics, including desired skills, experience, and project details. Our team then customizes the search to match your needs precisely.

Step 2


Wireframing serves as the foundation for exceptional product design. Concentrating on layout and user navigation, we craft user-centric designs that align with your users' expectations.

Ui design
Step 3

UI Design

Our User Interface (UI) Design is the heart of a standout custom software solution. We prioritize creating visually appealing and intuitive interfaces that not only meet functional requirements but also elevate the overall user experience.

Step 4

Technical Documentation

Technical documentation is where Ontik Technology excels in providing detailed project documentation upon completion. Our commitment is to furnish comprehensive technical insights, facilitating a thorough understanding of the project's architecture, functionality, and key aspects. We ensure that the project's technical documentation aligns perfectly with your project's specifications and offers valuable insights for future reference.

Step 5

Developing And Testing

Our Development and Testing processes ensure the Quality and Functionality of Your Custom Software. We follow industry best practices and standards in development, and our rigorous testing phase guarantees a defect-free final product that fulfills the requirements outlined during the design phase.


Real-Time Progress Monitoring

Stay updated and in command with our transparent system that offers a holistic view of your project's advancement.

Development Milestones

We keep our clients engaged and informed through our shared task management tool. Clients can effortlessly track to-dos, tasks in progress, completed assignments, and identify any issues at any given moment.
frequently asked questions

How To Hire?

What are the benefits of hiring remote developers?

Hiring remote developers offers advantages such as access to a global talent pool, cost savings, and flexibility in team scaling

How do I ensure the quality of remote developers' work?

Our flexible hiring options cater to various project needs. If your project has a well-defined scope (Statement of Work, or SOW) and is relatively short-term, individual team or project-based hiring may be the best fit. On the other hand, for long-term projects or those where the SOW is not precisely defined, dedicated teams offer flexibility and access to top talents.

What types of roles can I fill by hiring remote developers?

We offer a wide range of IT and software engineering experts to choose from, including mobile app developers, web developers, software developers, game developers, AR, VR, and MR developers, project managers, game artists, UI/UX designers, and more.

What industries does Ontik Technology serve for remote developer hiring?

Absolutely! You can review the profiles of the software developers or experts we recommend based on your requirements, allowing you to choose candidates whose skills and experience align with your project goals.

How do I start the hiring process?

It's a simple four-step process. Firstly, submit your requirements to us here, detailing your needs and project specifics. We'll then tailor the candidate search based on your provided information. Secondly, review our candidate profiles and select the software developers you'd like to consider. Afterwards, we'll schedule virtual interviews with your chosen candidates to assess their technical abilities and cultural fit. Finally, onboard the selected software developers and kick-start your project!

How can I start hiring remote developers with Ontik Technology?

The cost of hiring IT experts varies depending on the specific skills, experience, and project requirements. Our team will work with you to tailor a pricing structure that aligns with your project's budget and needs. We offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality of our services.

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