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frequently asked questions

How to Hire?

What sets Ontik Technology apart from other talent sourcing solutions?

Ontik Technology offers access to a large talent pool of industry professionals, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your project. We also have partnerships with leading IT institutions, allowing us to provide top talents. With years of industry experience, we offer cost-effective solutions with uncompromising quality.

How do I know which type of hiring is right for my project?

Our flexible hiring options cater to various project needs. If your project has a well-defined scope (Statement of Work, or SOW) and is relatively short-term, individual team or project-based hiring may be the best fit. On the other hand, for long-term projects or those where the SOW is not precisely defined, dedicated teams offer flexibility and access to top talents.

What kind of professionals can I hire through Ontik Technology?

We offer a wide range of IT and software engineering experts to choose from, including mobile app developers, web developers, software developers, game developers, AR, VR, and MR developers, project managers, game artists, UI/UX designers, and more.

Can I review the qualifications and expertise of potential hires before making a selection?

Absolutely! You can review the profiles of the software developers or experts we recommend based on your requirements, allowing you to choose candidates whose skills and experience align with your project goals.

How do I start the hiring process?

It's a simple four-step process. Firstly, submit your requirements to us here, detailing your needs and project specifics. We'll then tailor the candidate search based on your provided information. Secondly, review our candidate profiles and select the software developers you'd like to consider. Afterwards, we'll schedule virtual interviews with your chosen candidates to assess their technical abilities and cultural fit. Finally, onboard the selected software developers and kick-start your project!

How are the costs determined for hiring IT experts through Ontik Technology?

The cost of hiring IT experts varies depending on the specific skills, experience, and project requirements. Our team will work with you to tailor a pricing structure that aligns with your project's budget and needs. We offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality of our services.

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